Tuesday, March 9, 2010

On a more serious note: Kinabatangan River

So I thought I'd give a little more info on Kinabatangan and what I learned there.

The river itself is surrounded by a very narrow and sometimes non-existent band of jungle. This is because palm oil plantations are taking over this region (and most of Borneo) and are chopping down huge sections of jungle. This is also the reason you can see so many animals along the river, as they really have no where else to go. This kind of thing is happening all over Malaysia and is significantly contributing to the depletion of various animals. For example, male orangutans usually travel long distances after mating in an attempt to avoid inbreading. When plantations move in on all sides of the orangutan he ends up getting stuck in one section of jungle, which prevents him from moving on and also, if the section is too small, causes him to starve.

Lesson 5: probosis monkeys have 2 stomachs, one for non-toxic food and one for toxic substances. This allows them to drink from the dirty Kinabatangan river without encountering any problems. Sugar, however, kills the bacteria in their stomach preventing them from breaking down foods and leads to their subsequent death.

Lesson 6: Orangutans do not share the probosis monkeys' ability to drink river water and so must rely on the dew from leaves, etc. for hydration.

1 comment:

  1. Christ Almighty. I had no idea. Look at this:


    Boycott Palm Oil!
